Affiliate Program: Resume Writing and Career Services

Are you a Recruiter, Career Coach, Job Board or Job Search Expert?

You can partner with ResumeYard and earn a commission for referring your clients and website visitors to us for their resume writing needs. We offer a resume affiliate program in which you can recommend ResumeYard as your partner resume writing service provider. It is an easy way to earn money by simply placing text links or banner advertisements on your website.

About us

What started in 2010 with a team of two professional writers has grown to more than 15 professional resume writers with personal experience in more than 30 industries. We’ve written thousands of resumes and want to make a revolution on the market of resume writing and editing services. As our team has expanded, we can offer have opportunities for resume affiliates like you.

Commission rates

You will earn a commission when your visitors click through to make a purchase and receive a commission for any service purchased after the click. Commission rates are negotiated with each partner and vary between 15% and 30%. The average price ranges from to with an average order size of . A high satisfaction rate combined with competitive pricing makes our affiliate program attractive to all companies and individuals dealing with job seekers.

If you haven’t found a type of affiliate partnership you are looking for, contact us today to learn about our additional options at [email protected]. Unlock the potential for an unlimited revenue stream right now.

Why Choose Us?

  • High commission rates
  • Trusted third-party tracking
  • Competitive pricing
  • 95%+ satisfaction rate
  • Monthly commission checks
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